c-2. Organization Management

c-2. Organization Management



c-2. Organization Management


Organization Management allows you to set in-house organizational structures, role, and member values.


  1. Go to the Organization tab of [Jira Administration > Manage Apps > K-Approval > Organization Management] and enter the desired value.
    Click the green '+' button to create a new organization, click the red '-' button to delete the generated organization.
    Click the Save button at the top right to save the changes.
    When you click on the name of each organization, the members of that organization appear at the bottom.

  2. Click the 'Role' tab to enter the company's role names in the order of hierarchy.
    You can add a role name by clicking the '+' button, and when all values are entered, click the 'Save' button to save the values.
    You can change the rank order using the operations button and delete the role name.

( ※ Operation button description - Start from Left with a

a : To the bottom

b : One space down

c : One space up

d : To the top

e : Delete )


3. Click on the "Member" tab to search for users using Jira using "Member Search".
Click the ‘Edit’ button on the name of the person you searched for, and you can set the values for their ‘organization' and ‘role' to use in the K-Approval.
After editing the user information, select the user and click the 'Save’ button at the bottom.